Monday, April 18, 2016

Recognition of T&M Services as a strategic item in Defense Plan!

The present Government is putting lot of emphasis on the Indigeneous development and procurement of Defense Equipment and services from indigenous sources.As part of the revamping the Defense procurement policy is totally overhauled and provision of creating Strategic Partners is also made.Basically we need fundamental changes in the development and production of new and innovative technologies,as most of the incumbent here is our evolved Public sector companies and the DRDO labs expertise.

The participative collaboration with the industry will have to include sharing of plan re possible areas of supply where private sector can collaborate more smoothly and ensure their contribution to the quality of Defense wings operation and maintenance.The services are drawing up their individual Modernisation plans,and the T&M services are mentioned as a separate prominent line item,perhaps for the first time in their official plan document.For instance Air Force are mentioning "Test Equipment and Ground Support" as this to denote these services!

The plan document is under public discourse thru CII and therefore the arithmetics of procurement will be known progressively,but we can expect 2-5 percent of total outlay of hardware spent here.
This obviously will be good area for Indigeneous supply of software development and engineering services and procurement thereof.Operation and maintenance thru T&M technologies will be a low hanging fruit here.I believe lot will depend upon the T&M industry itself to assert for its own share by creative Assesment of need behind the need of T&M and offering right optimal mix of hardware and services.

Opportunity for approx 20,000 Cr for next 10 years is laid out by IAF.Now it is up to the industry to seize and execute by quality deliver You!


  1. This is a great opportunity. The modalities of choosing the vendors however have to be fair. The present system of open tenders is fair but also makes a mokery of the same as there is no mechanism to distinguishing the vendors by their core knowledge and experience and only goes by least quotation. This also leads to delays and wastage of budgets alloted. But the opportunity of 20000cr is soothing to ears for sure for all sme's.

    - hari

  2. This is a good yard stick to know the increase in the importance given to T&M industry by Defense. Also, a good call to the T&M key players to first collaborate ( and then probably compete :) ) , to address the testing challenges in Indian Defense and help the industry to deliver a better quality output. 20,000 Cr is a great figure to go after this market. Stars are in the eyes already, and the ears just heard a pleasant music !

    -Pavan Ramesh
