Friday, February 26, 2016

Framework for startup CEO for new age T&M systems company,!

Recently over the last few weeks I happened to meet and mentor range of startup CEOs in the
Tech industry.These new age CEOs are themselves tech savvy,young and very qualified at the
Ivy League schools.Naturally they are ambitious and want to grow rapidly like any other services
company to become "Unicorns".At times my understanding of their business model was poor(due
to lack of my own awareness) or sheer incomprehension of market place where they are wishing
to operate/operating.

As I thought thru and reflected on my awareness and the B2B operating environment of selling
I was approaching a framework roughly these companies could adopt.My basic parameters to work
was the following:

B2B nature of Selling
High technology,software,services and 3rd party jigs,fixtures and miscellany
Market Govt,PSU and Corporate plus International
Sales Cycle  Medium to Long (After design win can go mainstream in small volume)
Capex intensive but rationalization for balancing opex
Decision Making Unit.   Usually involves Head, CFO Ctry Operations or support manager
Both PreSales and PostSales support needed to sustain interest in Vendor
Funnel Picking selectively rather than Funnel Percolation
Excellent Commercial understanding required, Bidding Process thoroughness
Accounts Recievable processes in Govt,Corporate and International Areas
CRM Analytics, Big Data application understanding
New Age technology and Norms
VC funding sources including Crowdfunding

Looking from the probable owner or the CEO viewpoint,who manages this startup, I guesstimated
a Test Automation and Integration service co will very much approximate to what we have listed
out here.The head of these type of companies usually wear many hats and crowded web browser
is there on the desk.

Following list of tools and softwares for his day to day work will be handy

Collaboration Tool.          Stack

CRM.                                Sales force or Zoho

GitHub.                               Track the techies work

Analytics dashboard.             Hub spot

Some other tools for specific project management may be required,but above is very much covering
the good extent.I feel such IT infrastructure will be good for a T&M solutions Company CEO.

Let me know your comments and queries.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Digital Enterprises of today are T&M groundswell !

Modern Management Gurus are increasingly positioning the new age enterprises for A fast Digitalisation and analytics will be the characteristics of these Organisations.They are more likely
to use the power of so called Design Thinking,AI and vast deployment of Sensors of all kind.So the
T&M technologies and services will be used in these applications in novel ways!

Leadership will be using the power of Algorithms and sensors in combo.Sensors will be part of the Process of IoT connections and M2M interfaces.These markets of connections will be big.Industry
experts expect the markets to be in several Trillions Dollar opportunities.Obviously these will be based on many elements talking to each other and phases of Design,Deployment and Maintenance
aspects of these networks will need lot of portable T&M and systems.

The new age enterprises will try to give customers the end to end experience.Ultimately the parameters of cost,convenience and systemic process will be monitored by the Marketeers.To deliver
good experience of systems all measurement,monitoring etc will be handled by T&M technologies
General and Customised.Here again lot of refining of standard as well as Customised T&M systems
will be deployed.

As life and Organisations become project based,the T&M deployed will also transformed.Exciting
Times will dawn when the likes of Smart Cities and Smart Villages will come.Generation of new ideas for these entities will trigger new kind of T&M as well.