Wednesday, April 24, 2013

T&M Industry in India : Will FY 14 see the Basics of Network Management and measurement?

MANAGEMENT  are competitors or partners?

We are seeing increasing clamour of new technology becoming a new source of competition and corporate rivalry as more and more networks are being rolled out.The typical situation in India is that we have been seeing a drop in growth of new subscribers and the revenue from the Voice services we are simultaneously seeing a fillip in rollout of advanced technologies too. So, the Quality,Productivity and Profitability of both the new and old networks is under scanner.The T&M once again has to respond to this challenge.The decision is not going to be taken by the CTO or even the CFO in isolation but Business has to drive the T&M procurement challenge !

Deployment phase generally involves the installation related long-term analysis of pre-defined test procedures and sequence stored on the test templates.Portables need to be deployed for most of the measurements.Ease of use and robustness become the key here.During the maintenance phase the same thing is turned to baseline or out of the baseline measurements are needed,Tributaries are monitored and full glance remote control and unambiguous quality assesment done by the Automation based systems.This actually becomes more of Management than just Measurement described earlier.

Areas in common between management and measurements are found in the field of monitoring systems and statistical analysis & prediction.And actually the impact of these on opex determines our view on what and how much of both will be invested in.We may have either of these operating philosophy-either use a method outside the system or integrate the testing in to the system.Separate measurements are needed to detect the faults in the manufacturers products,but the inbuilt test systems are more powerful and less expensive.However the flexibility is more in out of system Portables type of T&M.

Todays scenario in India requires us to go back to these basics when 4G technology is at the threshold of deployment, new networks are getting into the mainstream of tornado,and yet the opex and capex need to be managed in such a way we dont make T&M becoming drag on the Business !

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