Thursday, April 30, 2015

FY 16 and beyond Test Opportunities abound!

There are various high tech organizations under the Govt of India and many of these are involved in checkout and integration of automated test set ups. I think the ISRO is far ahead in exploiting the T&M technologies.For example cryogenic engine testing through modular testers integrated in a
proper fashion can be the regular business for the test companies.The testing of all these systems becomes more and more challenging with the weight of satellites and that is the trend we are going to see increasingly.Bigger and bigger footprints of testers will be required.Space organizations will spend money in those indigenous test systems.

Another trend nowadays is development of startups in the location based areas and eCommerce platforms for delivery.A whole host of companies are involved in developing the hardware,software and services needed around these.Although Drones are still banned in India for commercial usage,they are very much used in law keeping and Disaster Management type of services.Such companies cater to the requirements of IITs and DRDO Labs and NAL.NavStik,Aero360 and Edall Systems are the typical names involved in testing of their systems by modular testers.International names like3D Robotics and Airware are seeing their clones getting borne out of Indian startups and these will all need T&M systems more and more!

Likewise the opportunities in the emerging area of IoT are happening internationally and in India too.Since the time Cisco pointed out the IoT to be a 19 Trillion $ opportunity for all connected sensors,accelerators in all industrial systems,smart cities and driverless vehicles,companies like Bosch,Hitachi and GE have unveiled their own view of opportunities.Most of these companies are involved heavily in building large systems and they see themselves enablers of  IoT through their embedded sensors and other devices.Basically we will have intersection of Big Data,Devices and Process Control and Communication here.T&M companies need to proactively explore M2M testing and IoT opportunities here.

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